Sunday, March 27, 2016
PostgreSql tablespaces
This is my 1nst post after more than two years, I can’t
believe how much time has passed since my last article.
In this period I was still programming using FPC/Lazarus
and Delphi (only from time to time, fixing bugs/adding features
to old apps), also doing some stuff in C++ (using the
DCMTK dicom library) and of course JavaScript/CSS/HTML5/AngularJs,
but the common denominator of all the work I’ve done is
the wonderful, marvellous, spectacular PostgreSql database,
yes it’s awesome, I agree with those that calls it a developer’s
friendly database, it really is.
Now, I’ve decided to start writing about solutions to not so common problems involving PostgreSql, but don’t worry, I’ll still write about FPC ;).
Imagine this situation, you installed PostgreSql in an Ubuntu Server by using sudo apt-get install postgresql and populated your database, then after some time, you find it is growing more than you initially expected. So, the solution is easy, add more disk space…, yes, but how you can add more disk space depends on the architecture of the underlying hardware and operating system. The easiest solution is to add an extra hard disk with more capacity, then move the PGDATA directory, but some times you can’t do that.
Let’s continue with an example. The server has one 1Tb disk, with two partitions, first is 800Gb and second is 200Gb. You install PostgreSql in the first partition, using all the defaults, so your PGDATA directory is in /var/lib/postgresql/9.x/main. Everything is ok, until you find the space limit on the first partition is near.
According to the PostgreSql manual, Tablespaces allow database administrators to define locations in the file system where the files representing database objects can be stored. Once created, a tablespace can be referred to by name when creating database objects.
So, one solution to our problem is move one or more tables from one partition to another. To do that, first determine the current in-disk size of your biggest tables, using this command:
For example, imagine we determine to move a 100Gb table called “documents” to a new tablespace, in the partition mounted on
As you can imagine, the tablespaces can be used in a lot more situations than this, for example, imagine you have two servers, one with screaming fast SSD storage and other with SATA, but bigger than the main server, you can store the most recent and needed data in the fast server and older data in the slow one, in my next article I’ll show you how.
Now, I’ve decided to start writing about solutions to not so common problems involving PostgreSql, but don’t worry, I’ll still write about FPC ;).
Reaching free disk space limit
Imagine this situation, you installed PostgreSql in an Ubuntu Server by using sudo apt-get install postgresql and populated your database, then after some time, you find it is growing more than you initially expected. So, the solution is easy, add more disk space…, yes, but how you can add more disk space depends on the architecture of the underlying hardware and operating system. The easiest solution is to add an extra hard disk with more capacity, then move the PGDATA directory, but some times you can’t do that.
Let’s continue with an example. The server has one 1Tb disk, with two partitions, first is 800Gb and second is 200Gb. You install PostgreSql in the first partition, using all the defaults, so your PGDATA directory is in /var/lib/postgresql/9.x/main. Everything is ok, until you find the space limit on the first partition is near.
Tablespaces to the rescue
According to the PostgreSql manual, Tablespaces allow database administrators to define locations in the file system where the files representing database objects can be stored. Once created, a tablespace can be referred to by name when creating database objects.
So, one solution to our problem is move one or more tables from one partition to another. To do that, first determine the current in-disk size of your biggest tables, using this command:
SELECT nspname || '.' || relname AS "relation",
pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(C.oid)) AS "size"
FROM pg_class C
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace)
WHERE nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')
ORDER BY pg_relation_size(C.oid) DESC
For example, imagine we determine to move a 100Gb table called “documents” to a new tablespace, in the partition mounted on
. The process
is very easy:-
Create a directory in
where our data will reside:
sudo mkdir /mnt/partition2/pgdata
Assign postgres owner:
sudo chown postgres:postgres /mnt/partition2/pgdata
Create the new tablespace (from now on inside psql or PGAdminIII):
create tablespace part2 location '/mnt/partition2/pgdata';
Change the tablespace on documents table (this can take a while):
alter table documents set tablespace part2;
As you can imagine, the tablespaces can be used in a lot more situations than this, for example, imagine you have two servers, one with screaming fast SSD storage and other with SATA, but bigger than the main server, you can store the most recent and needed data in the fast server and older data in the slow one, in my next article I’ll show you how.
Labels: Linux, PostgreSql, Ubuntu